

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Monday, January 19, 2009


I am getting so excited!!!! I don't care if I am ready or not I just want to do this and have some fun. Don't let Sarah fool you. She always acts like she is so out of shape and doing so bad then she comes up and kicks my butt. I have to thank Nikki for the running advice. You really could be a running coach. Thanks so much. If you get frustrated just put your problem in for coach Rowley to help you out. She's awsome.


Katrina said...

My 1/2 was awesome! I can't believe it took me this long to start running. Don't get me wrong...mile ten I was dying and wondering why I was dumb enough to sign up for it. But, mile 12 I got a 2nd wind and that was the fastest mile I ran. I finished in 2:28:24, with 2 bathroom stops. Not bad for my first. I think I got a little crazier because I am contemplating doing the full next year!! We'll see how long that excitement lasts...haha! I might still be on my runner's high. I'm totally stoked for the relay!! I am so happy you guys invited me! I'll take a fews day off running and do some cross training/lifting so my legs can have a break, then I'll get back to it. Happy Running everybody!!

Katrina said...

ok, I'm a newbie at this blogging how do I just post a blog instead of a comment...don't laugh I am totally computer illiterate!!