

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay everybody take a deep breath and relax. I here there are people really nervous and stressed about what to bring. Don't be. If you don't bring enough money I will spot you and you can pay me back. If you forget an item, we will buy it when we get there or you can borrow mine. The only thing you have to have to run is a pair shorts, sports bra, shirt, socks, and running shoes. Notice I didn't even post undies, they are nice to have, but you can manage without. And if you're as flat as I am you can forget the sports bra too and it wouldn't matter. So please don't worry. If you forget something besides your running shoes, you'll be fine. Also I posted my packing list, so you can always referr to it after you get packed, as a check list/while your packing, whatever works. Bring $100 - $120 cash in 20s.Here is a list of what the money will be going towards. This is per person.

$3 for spaghetti dinner (I will pay $40, and you guys just pay the $3 once you get change. You can get change when we buy groceries.)
Van borrowing fee $20
gas money $40 (approx maybe less)
Hotel $30 (just for those that are staying in Mesa, and I don't need the money until we check in)
Food $20 (approx maybe less)

For anyting else you can use your checkbook, debit or credit card.

Don't worry about the money for the shirts. I will be paying for the shirts with the sponsor money. If it doesn't cover the whole cost, I will divide up whats left over and you can mail it to me.

Thursday, we are meeting in Mesa at 3:00pm at Lori Nelsons sisters her address is
3500E. Red Oak Ln. Gilbert, 85297. Incase you get lost call Lori 928-240-0293
Also if your spouse or family wants to meet you at the finishline that would be great!I hope this covers everything. Oh, one more thing, we already bought the running tail lights and paid for it with sponsor money. Thank you, Thank you, Sponsors!!!!

Please if you have any questions call Me 520 572-9191

1 comment:

As Told By Molly said...

Ok! The kids' clothes are laid out, dinners for the weekend are in the freezer and I am writing a list of things for my husband not to forget. I think I can officially begin to relax and just be really happy for this weekend. Even though one of my friends asked me why I thought running three times in 24 hours sounded relaxing and fun...I guess you either get it or you don't! :)

Thanks, Sarah, for posting the $ details. Yeah! Go Mom's Found Therapy!!!