

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I came across this quote and thought of Marinda's post about being frustrated at her performance one day.
"Some days you'll run and no matter how hard you think you're going, you'll never be quick. Then there are those days when you're lighting. No reason why"
-Dan Wheldon, 2005 Indianapolis 500 champion


Marinda said...

Thanks Zhalore! That is a great quote and I could not a gree more. I love having the support on this blog.

Katrina said...

I love the quote!! So true! Thanks for sharing that. Thank you everybody for supporting each other and keeping us motivated. I can't wait to meet you girls I don't know.

lori said...

Needed the quote!!! I was so mad at myself on Saturday! I had to walk a little bit! But I had a good run on Monday so I'm feeling a little better. Can't wait to see you Zhalore!!!!!