

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

You guys make me sick. I am too embarrassed to post my times, that's why I don't put my training on here. I ran 10 Sat. but I could never post my time. Karleen if you consider an 8:49 as slowing down than I really suck. I was tempted to tell everyone I was pregnant just to get a little lee way on my time but I guess that wouldn't work with you in here kicking butt still. I am training and will keep training but I won't be posting any times. You guys are awesome and amazing. I Love You!


Deni said...

Thanks Marinda! I'm with you. I won't be posting my times. Just know that I'm out training every day whether it be in a green pond, on a hilly bike route, or running...I'm out there.

Slow and steady...

Zhalore said...

Way to run 10, Marinda!! I'm sure your time was great! I'll start posting my miles and times if it will make you and Deni feel any better :)

Sarah said...

Rin I know your doing awesome! before del sol you were saying the samethings and then you kicked some butt! Keep it up girlie!

Karleen said...

You are going to do amazing. You are always so hard on yourself. You need to take some lessons for Nikki and gain some confidents.