Wow, what a Crazy time this has been and we still have to run the race!! We have had some trouble keeping runners on our team. I can't figure out if it is Marinda or Lori that keeps running them off! Just kidding!! Some our ladies have had a few injuries and other commitments that have had to come first. But, I think as of Monday, we have a team that is committed. The 2 newest members are Candice and Tami. Thanks to both of you for joining our team! We are excited to have you.
Van 1
1- Marinda
2- Karleen
3- Candice (a friend of mine)
4- Zhalore
5- Lori
6- Sarah
Van 2
7- Deni
8- Kandice
9- Kim
10- Tami (a friend of Deni)
11- Alison
12- Melissa
Van 1
1- Marinda
2- Karleen
3- Candice (a friend of mine)
4- Zhalore
5- Lori
6- Sarah
Van 2
7- Deni
8- Kandice
9- Kim
10- Tami (a friend of Deni)
11- Alison
12- Melissa
I sent out an e-mail to everyone, but just a reminder we will be meeting at Brick Oven on Thursday night a 6:00 for dinner. Van 1, we will be loading our gear that night so bring your things to Brick Oven and we will all get packed. Both Vans are going to be leaving Friday morning for the start of the race since we have a late staring time this year. Kim sent out an e-mail to Van 2 with details about their Friday morning travels and I will be sending out one for Van 1, so watch for my e-mail.
I wanted to go over how much money you may want to bring. You should all have received an e-mail from Ragnar that talked about the exchange "Alternate hangout areas" (AHA) and the cost for food and showers. You will want to plan on around $25.00 for food and showers if you plan on buying food at every exchange and "AHA". Usually in the past each person has chipped in around $20-25 for food and water, so plan on around that much for food and water for the van. Also, Sarah figured out how much we each owe for shirts. It is $30.00 per person, pay that directly to Sarah. Awesome price for 3 shirts that have been screen printed (thanks to the companies that have made donations). Gas money in the past has been about $20 per person. We also chipped in a little and gave cash to the families that let us borrow their vans for the race. I'm not sure what we will do this year, we will decide that later. Bottom line, plan on bringing around $100-$110.00 CASH with you for food, showers, sleeping, gas, shirts and misc.
As far as a list of things to bring, that was posted on June 2nd. You can go and look at that post if you want to see a list the items that are suggested to bring.
The Race Bible is full of rules we need to follow and our team has some basic rules also. This is a race, but not one we are out to win. We don't care if you have the slowest pace ever or you walk your leg. We are out to have FUN. So bottom line, HAVE FUN and under no circumstance is the Race Bible to be used as a weapon! Wa ha ha!!! Too funny! See you all Friday.
Captain, thanks for all you've done! The race will be great and I'll be glad I did it - as always!!I'm excited to meet all the "newbies" on our team, welcome aboard!
Marinda, I'm glad I've had you to train with over the months even though we keep standing each other up in the morning and our schedules suck, you're awesome and amazing and I love ya!!!
LOL...I can't stop laughing at the Race Bible Weapon!! haha Zha Zha, you're too funny!!
I am so nervous about running first. Kim did such a good job last run. You guys better help me laugh or something so I don't cry. You know I am a cryer. Can't wait to see everyone one.
Marinda you are a mother of multiples and if you can do that you can do anythin! You, Kandice, and I all have twins and it better count for some kind of endurance just to still be alive! You will be awesome. I am so excited to see all of you again. It's to bad you can't just have one big motorhome party on wheels and all ride together and have a blast all together the whole time! AAAAAhhh I am so excited but kind of freaking out about my leg. Bring on the challenge!
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