

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Monday, June 29, 2009

Las Vegas

Hi all,

Well, I have been unsuccessful in finding enough runners for the Ragnar Las Vegas. I did some math and it would be about $160 per person. That's assuming that we have to rent cars and I am unable to find sponsors.

Since I have been unable to find enough people to fill the team, I don't want to take a risk and pay the fee, hoping that we find another 6 members. With that said, I am sorry. I love relay races, but I think I will hold off on Las Vegas.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Saints and Sinners

Hi all,

Just wondering if the Las Vegas Ragnar is a go for sure? I'd like to do it, I know that Tami wants to do it, and I saw that there were others that said they were in. What do we need to do? It looks as if we need to register by June 30th to get the early discount, and the promo of 2 rooms at the Red Rock Casino.

Let me know.

- Deni

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hey I wanted to tell all of you great job. You beat our time from last year. I am so sorry for all of the craziness you had to go through. And I hope those of you who were not feeling well are better. And Sarah you are a STUD. I have always believed in you and I knew that you had it in you. You too Rin and Kar. I don't know why you ever questioned me. You all did a great job finishing a very trying race. Y'all ROCK!!! It was killing me not to be there. But my baby needed me. She had surgery again today and is still in the PICU. Deni thanks for helping with the kids the other day I really appreciated it. Hey Lori take care of yourself would you! Go get that heal fixed, we need you next year at the Del Sol. I am looking forward to the next race. I love you all and appreciate your love and prayers. Thanks Nikki.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This is you captain speaking...

Wow, what a Crazy time this has been and we still have to run the race!! We have had some trouble keeping runners on our team. I can't figure out if it is Marinda or Lori that keeps running them off! Just kidding!! Some our ladies have had a few injuries and other commitments that have had to come first. But, I think as of Monday, we have a team that is committed. The 2 newest members are Candice and Tami. Thanks to both of you for joining our team! We are excited to have you.

Van 1

1- Marinda
2- Karleen
3- Candice (a friend of mine)
4- Zhalore
5- Lori
6- Sarah

Van 2

7- Deni
8- Kandice
9- Kim
10- Tami (a friend of Deni)
11- Alison
12- Melissa

I sent out an e-mail to everyone, but just a reminder we will be meeting at Brick Oven on Thursday night a 6:00 for dinner. Van 1, we will be loading our gear that night so bring your things to Brick Oven and we will all get packed. Both Vans are going to be leaving Friday morning for the start of the race since we have a late staring time this year. Kim sent out an e-mail to Van 2 with details about their Friday morning travels and I will be sending out one for Van 1, so watch for my e-mail.

I wanted to go over how much money you may want to bring. You should all have received an e-mail from Ragnar that talked about the exchange "Alternate hangout areas" (AHA) and the cost for food and showers. You will want to plan on around $25.00 for food and showers if you plan on buying food at every exchange and "AHA". Usually in the past each person has chipped in around $20-25 for food and water, so plan on around that much for food and water for the van. Also, Sarah figured out how much we each owe for shirts. It is $30.00 per person, pay that directly to Sarah. Awesome price for 3 shirts that have been screen printed (thanks to the companies that have made donations). Gas money in the past has been about $20 per person. We also chipped in a little and gave cash to the families that let us borrow their vans for the race. I'm not sure what we will do this year, we will decide that later. Bottom line, plan on bringing around $100-$110.00 CASH with you for food, showers, sleeping, gas, shirts and misc.

As far as a list of things to bring, that was posted on June 2nd. You can go and look at that post if you want to see a list the items that are suggested to bring.

The Race Bible is full of rules we need to follow and our team has some basic rules also. This is a race, but not one we are out to win. We don't care if you have the slowest pace ever or you walk your leg. We are out to have FUN. So bottom line, HAVE FUN and under no circumstance is the Race Bible to be used as a weapon! Wa ha ha!!! Too funny! See you all Friday.


"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement." - Steve Prefontaine

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that." -Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder

Just a little motivation for you all! I want to wish you good luck and happy running! I'll be thinking of you this weekend while I am in dream land and you are running the roads of UT. :o) Can't wait to hear about it, so make sure you blog on here about your kick ass times and that you placed 1st in the all womens pressure! Kar-take care of your pregnant self out there and stay hydrated!

Make sure you kill all the moose you see! Have fun girls and make it for Dez, she'll be proud no matter what!! Love ya!!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Dez getting better!

Hi team,
For all those that didn't know, my sister Nikki who was running the race with us is no longer able too. (We have, found a replacement.) My sisters daughter has Crohns disease. She went into surgery and ended up with a bad infection, and has been in the pediatric ICU for 7 days. There were numerous times that we thought she may not be coming home, but she has improved. Her vital signs have been stable for 24hrs. Her fever is normal and everything is looking up! The doctors were hoping to start weening her off the respirator today. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. My other sisters and I are still excited for the race and can't wait to see those that we know and meet those that we don't.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hey thanks for all of the love and support. I don't think I am a stud you guys are all too nice. But hey thanks for the compliment. You all could do it. I believe in all of you. I have seen all of you run. I will give it my all. It will probably kick my butt. I will be traning the last few weeeks from a hospital room. I will be at Primary Children's, so I am not sure how much traning I will be doing. I can't wait to see you all. And to my sisters, you guys are the reason we do these races. We love to see each other and hang out, and to see each other accomplish such great feats. You sisters are my true strength and support. You all have been so helpful this year. I needed the love and listening ear this year way more than I have ever needed it. I love you all so much. It has made me realize how important family is. Yall are great!!!! And Kar thanks so much for always being so willing to help out with the kids we all love you and your family so much. I will see all of you in a few weeks.

Going To Miss You

Well Nikki I heard you will most likely be in the other van. It really bums me out. I am so sorry. You know if you weren't such a stud runner then you wouldn't have to take one of the hardest legs. Maybe something will come up but if not i just wanted you to know how much I love you. I will still be cheering you on. Love You Big Sis!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Runner Found!!!

We have found ourselves a new runner! Her name is Tiffany Ashman. She is a friend of mine and is awesome! She will be running Nikki's leg 3. Thank you Nikki for switching to Van 2. We will miss you in Van 1 :(

Flight Plan

Lori and I will be flying in to Salt Lake at 12:45 on thursday, so we can eat dinner whenever.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shout Out to Van #2 People

Hi everyone!
I just got off the phone with are Captain O Captain Zhalore and here is the idea that we have for Van #2. Kandice lives in Morgan which would be an hour drive into Logan. The van is in Utah County and so all those (Nikki you probably want to be with your sisters which is totally they way it should be.) But, for the rest of us, Alison, her husband Dez?, Deni, Melissa, Me, and my mom we could ride up in the van, meet the rest of van #1 and Kandice for dinner. Van #1 would head up to Lori's in laws to stay the night and we Van #2 could go to the store and get our food and drinks, and ice then go and sleep at Kandice's home. We would then meet everyone at a certain time and location in Logan to decorate the vans and go to the starting line to cheer on van #1. Kandice has more than enough room for us and a bed for my mom and air mattresses for the rest of us as well as bathrooms. She said we could have the upstairs of her home. Also, after our first run we can wait at her house as it is on the course and shower and rest! Woooohooo for us. Please let me know your feelings about this so we can make a plan. I would like to go up Thurs. so that we can all get to know each other. I will bring up 2 huge coolers one for food and one for water and drinks. We already have a race bible for our van, vests, and red beacons. I have a head lamp does anyone else have another one that could be for our van also?
I am so excited!!!!!

A Plan, A Plan!!!

Sorry!! I forget that others are wondering what in the world is going on. Especially those of you that have not done a Ragnar Relay before and really don't know what to expect. Kim, you have very good questions! :) I hope this helps everyone.

We are set with an Expedition for Van 1 and Sarah is pretty sure we can use the same Van as last year for Van 2. Yes, we will owe money for shirts. Plan on owing Sarah around $30-$40, she will let us know. As of right now we don't have shirts for our drivers. It's a great idea, but I don't know if it's something any of us have time to figure out. Are you volunteering, Kim? ;) One thing we need to get done is find another runner for Van 2! I'm sure we will find someone, it just is getting a little crazy. Thanks to everyone for your help looking and recruiting people!!! We also need to find out what time Lori and Marinda are flying in on Thursday before we make any set plans for the day. But our basic plan for Thursday is to first meet at Karleen's (I'm not sure what time). From there maybe to the airport to pick up Lori and Marinda and then out to dinner. Van 1 will be staying at Lori's in-laws (same as last year). Van 2, it sounds like you have a couple of options of places to stay, you can decide between your group where you want to stay. Then on Friday morning we can meet and shop for food and then decorate our vehicles. Our starting time is 11:45. If Van 2 wants to be with Van 1 when we start, that would be fun!!

Here is the list of runners for our team:

Van 1
1- Marinda Parry
2- Karleen Rehrer
3- Tiffany Ashman
4- Zhalore Averett
5- Lori Nelson
6- Sara Reed

Van 2
7- Deni Berger
8- Kandice Compass
9- Kim Weight
10- Nikki Rowley
11- Alison Lomax
12- Melissa Hoen

Sarah had a great list for packing when we ran the Del Sol. I am going to copy and paste it for those that haven't done this before or want it as a check list.

Sarah's list for packing
sleeping bag
toothbrush and paste
shampoo,soap,and things to make me pretty
Towel washcloth
deoderant(this is mandatory for Van 1)
Visor or hat
2 longsleeve shirts for under race shirt.
1 windbraker just in case
1 pair of gloves (the night runs can get cold)
running shoes
1 pair of running pants
1 capri?
3 shorts
comfy clothes and slip on shoes for when I'm not running
1 pair of jammies
bag for my smelly clothes
$$$$- Money for gas and food, maybe around $100 ???

It's going to be a lot of fun!!! I can't wait. If anyone has any questions, call me 801-489-8513.

Kim, I will have both race bibles ready for both vans. One thing you will need to get with your van on is the decorations. We were thinking of getting the window markers and writing our team name and all of our van members names on our vehicles. I'll call you and explain what we did last year for our decorations and see what you think. Also, there is a captains meeting on Wed. June 10th at 7:00pm in Kaysville if you want to come with me. If not, it's not a big deal.


I do not think everyone knows but we have lost 2 runners for van #2 I think we have replaced one, but still need a strong runner for Ragnar hill. If you know anyone let us know ASAP. Kim please read my response to your comment on (Plan???)let me know what you think.