

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hey Guys!
Just curious to see how everyones trainings going? Mine is good somedays and BLAH on others. Like today was a BLAH! But I did run a 5 mile tempo run on Monday and did it in 38 min. I was pretty happy with that. I also did a race on Saturday and end up taking 2nd. When they first posted it I had taken 5th in my age group, but they sent me an email saying that there were some errors and to recheck the results....I was totally surprised. But I really need a fire under my BUTT so please keep me up dated on your training. It keeps me motivated. Also I just burned the last DVD yesterday so I will be mailing them out soon. If you haven't sent me your address please do. Thanks can't wait to see you guys!


Karleen said...

My training is going OK, but definately not great with all the damn snow we are still getting. I feel like my pace has slowed down a little so I am going to work on that the next week.

Sarah said...

So Kar is it just going to be me and you again on the blog this year?

chris and kim said...

I just wanted to say I am kicking butt! Its just because I am trying to do this marathon and I ran 18 miles last sat. I am in Virginia right now with my sisters Em and Nin. Em is so sad that she can't run with us! I ran here this morning and it was so beautiful the trees are in full bloom with blossoms and I felt tough! I have to run 40 miles next week and I am sure it will kick my trash. The marathon is May 16 so I hope by being ready for that I will be ready for the Ragnar. I already can't wait to see you all. Karleen it was good to see you at Costco! Your kids are darling!

chris and kim said...

This is Em writing on Kim's account:
Hi Girlies it's Em on the East Coast! Come run the Washington D.C. Ragnar I could get a team together and would love to run with all of you. I am totally bummed I'm not running with all of you. If you see any moose make sure and kick their butts! Hopefully I'll be back soon! Don't forget me when I get back to Utah in 2 years!

Sarah said...

Em if you get a team together I'm in. I would love to do it.

Marinda said...

Sarah I am not posting my training next to all of yours. My pace has completely gone down hill and I really kinda suck now. So if I ever get something good to write I will.

desmon said...

That is totally awesome. You ran about a 7:40 pace on your tempo run. You are kickin butt! That is so cool that you took 2nd in your race. I love you. And Em I would love to do the D.C. ragnar too. I'm in so just let me know.

McCleary Ways said...

The race I think is in September and you run right into Downtown D.C. and finish up at the mall, with the monuments it sounds so cool and the legs seem pretty easy, I guess these east coasters are not us tuff as us west coast girlies!! I will look more into it and keep you posted!! Good luck on training

Zhalore said...

Sarah, you are kicking trash girl! I am so impressed. My training is not so good. It's so good (not) that I called Hurricane city and asked if they could change my registration from the half marathon to the 5k. How sad is that? Keep up the good work y'all. And Em, I am in if you put together a D.C. team. That would be way cool!!!

Katrina said...

Hi girls!! I am such a slacker now that I'm not training for anything. I haven't ran much since the relay. Such a loser...I'm getting the bug again tho so I am getting my butt in gear. The relay in DC sounds awesome! I would be in too if you all did it. Keep posting on here because you girls keep me motivated to run even tho I'm not training for anything...I really need to find a race to run so I have some goals to make. :) Miss ya'll!! Keep up the good work! And congrats Sarah on placing 2nd. That is great!!!